But ragtime is also good in the more austere sense of the professional critic. I cannot understand how a trained musician can overlook its purely technical elements of interest. It has carried the complexities of the rhythmic subdivision of the measure to a point never before reached in the history of music. It has established subtle conflicting rhythms to a degree never before attempted in any popular or folk music, and rarely enough in art music. It has shown a definite and natural evolution always a proof of vitality in a musical idea. It has gone far beyond most other popular music in the freedom of inner voices, yes, I mean polyphony, and of course harmonic modulation. And it has proved its adaptability to the expression of many distinct moods. Only the trained musician can appreciate the significance of a style which can be turned to many distinct uses. There is the sentimental manner, and the emotional manner and so on, but the style includes all the manners, and there have not ...
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