Dating as far back as the mid 1950s, people all over the world have been rocking and rolling. There’s no question why rock and roll is one of the most popular and influential styles of music in history. Combining elements from several genres including rhythm and blues, jazz, boogie woogie, as well as gospel and country, rock and roll boasts an undeniable groove and soulful energy that is hard for anyone to ignore. Rock and roll has left its mark on language, lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and many other facets of life. Beyond being fun to listen to, there are many rock and roll benefits that are highly rewarding, no matter who you are. Rock & roll music has a way of uniting cultures and bringing people together.
When you really listen and feel the music, rock and roll often strikes a chord within that resonates with our heart, mind, and spirit. Nothing touches the soul quite like rock and roll music, because it expresses at times what we cannot express ourselves. Music can also provide a major distraction, which helps us forget our trials and tribulations for a moment, and take us to another place. Perhaps it reminds you of a pleasant memory or gives you hope and courage to press on against your daily struggles. It not only carries an infectious groove but rock and roll conveys profound emotion and meaning. Words and lyrics are combined with the instruments and melodies to create something special, something one of a kind. Rock music is beautiful and emotional and has the potential to speak to you if you’re willing to listen.
Ronald Isley - Lay You Down
- Released in: 2013
- Genre: Funk / Soul, Pop
- Written by: Patrick Hayes, Tremaine Neverson, and Troy Taylor
"As a preteen, Ronald Isley joined siblings Rudolph, O'Kelly, and Vernon to form the earliest incarnation of the group. After Vernon's 1955 death in a bicycling accident, Ronald was tapped as the remaining trio's lead vocalist."
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