Wednesday, February 14, 2024

PJ Harvey Verified - Change In C

The term rock ‘n roll was coined in 1951 by a Cleveland radio DJ named Alan Freed. Freed worked for a major radio station during a time when large stations were known to only play music by white artists to cater to their white audience members.

By the 1940s, R&B had established itself as a black genre, with artists like Fats Domino and Arthur Crudup leading the way. Soon after, record labels took notice of the new style of music and wanted to capitalize on it. But they did not want the authentic, original black artists, they wanted marketable artists, ones who could be televised... Today, there is an appreciation for the talent and artistry of many black rock ’n roll pioneers like B.B. King, Chuck Berry and later greats, such as Jimi Hendrix and Prince. But the story of how rock ‘n roll got to where it is today is not always told. Its shady history is deliberately hidden.

PJ Harvey Verified - Change In C
  • Written by: PJ Harvey
  • Composed by: PJ Harvey
  • Released on: All About Eve album

"Among the accolades PJ Harvey has received are both the 2001 and 2011 Mercury Prize, respectively, making her the only artist to have been awarded the prize twice."

See previous Song of the Day



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