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Richard & Linda Thompson - Did She Jump or Was She Pushed?

The most noticeable characteristic of African music is the heavy emphasis on rhythm. Many in our culture have mental images of the savage drumming from old movies shot in Africa, but in reality, the rhythmic content of the music is very sophisticated. Often contrasting, syncopated rhythms, each played by a different musician, are superimposed on each other, creating a polyrhythmic effect that is so complex that it cannot be written down using standard music notation.

African harmony and melody is equally complex, although to European trained ears, it often is characterized as simple and primitive. Once again, part of the problem rests with the urge to interpret one culture through the standards of another. One commonly observed quality of African melody is the strong reliance on a five note pentatonic scale, on a piano, this can be approximated by playing the black keys only.

Another important aspect of African music is the importance of improvisation. Many instrumental performances are comprised of short melodic phrases that are repeated for long periods of time, sometimes hours, with slight variations that are introduced at the whim of the player. Improvisation is perhaps most notable in vocal performances, where a commonly used technique is call and response, with one lead singer issuing the call, and the rest of the participants providing the response. The very nature of call and response lends itself to much variation and improvisation.

African music is also characterized by the close relationship between instrumental music and speech. People in every culture talk using countless inflections and variations of pitch and tonality to enhance their delivery. Most African instruments are played in a way that imitates the human voice, using tonal inflections, slurred attacks, and bending of pitches. The talking drum, which when played by an experienced musician can produce an almost perfect copy of human speech, is found throughout Africa. Other instruments such as xylophones, flutes, and trumpets are also played in this way.

Richard & Linda Thompson - Did She Jump or Was She Pushed?
  • Released in: 1982
  • Genre: Rock, Folk Rock
  • Written by: Richard & Linda Thompson

"From 1973 to 1982, British folk legend Richard Thompson recorded as a duo with his wife Linda Thompson. This period saw a great amount of critical praise for Richard's songwriting and Linda's voice."

See previous Song of the Day


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